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Studio Class Project
Electric appliance

In this project we were asked to study the layout of the fan componants, matterials, consumer related use habits and needs. and finally to design a fan.


The reasrch led me to understand that it is a seasonal appliance. A lot of users store the fan in it's original box. While in use, they keep the  empty box in storage, wasting valuable space.

so I chose to design a fan that it's body is it's storage in order to save precious storing space.


in order to make it as compact as possible I designed a special blend of soft matterials.

Using this new matterial, I was able to create soft and foldable fan blades. The soft blade allowed me to design a powerfull fan that dosent need the safty grill.


Also for the styling inspiration I chose friendly robots from movies as they are cute but built to do the job in the best way, without harming anyone.


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