Memory Shell
in this project we were asked to design to the end of life experiance. namely for people who are dying and the supporting circles.
I chose to design an object that encapsulates memries of a dying person. but not just any memory. after a close person dies, one of the first aspects about him that goes away is how they sound, but not just their voice, the special way they talk, how they tell that annoying joke, the way they sound when they whisper or tell a story. all that emmotional memories just dissapear when someone dies.
Imagine a father that has a terminal illness, his little kids wouldnt remeber him. and there is much he could tell them that would help them through their life. The object that I designed enables it's user to store recorded messages for future evants.
After recording the messages, the user connects in an app between specific recordings and the recipient's social media account. after the person has died, the recipient can listen to the messages. There are several types of messeages. the first one are unlocked and can be played at any time. another one can only be activated after a specific date has passed, like birthdays. the last type is intended for events like weddings that dont have a date from advance.
When I designed the object I looked for objects that hold memories of things that are not here any more. the sea shell was perfect in that sence for an insperation.